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Ryangsoo Kim

Ph.D. Candidate

Tel: +82-62-715-3147
Fax: +82-62-715-2204
Email: rskim AT


  • Ph.D. candidate in Information and Communication Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) since March 2012.
  • M.S. in Information and Communication Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), February 2012
  • B.S. in Information and Communication Engineering, Chung-Nam National University, February 2010

Research Interests

  • Online Learning Algorithms for Resource Management in Wireless Systems
  • Interference Management in Ultra Dense mmWave Wireless Networks
  • Data Dissemination in Vehicular Cloud Systems
  • Location-aware Applications in Wireless Networks


  • Visiting Graduate Student of NETCOM Research Group at Carlos III Madrid University (UC3M) in December 2015 - June 2016.
  • Research Assistant, GIST, Korea
    • Developed RSS ranging based localization system in March 2010 - December 2013.
    • Studied online learning based resource management for wireless systems in October 2013 - present.
  • Teaching Assistant
    • IC6305 Adaptive Signal Processing (2014/Fall Semester)


Journal Papers

  • Ryangsoo Kim, Yonggang Kim, and Hyuk Lim, "Inter-BS interference-aware transmission coordination for millimeter wave networks," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 350-353, 2017.
  • Ryangsoo Kim, Jinho Choi, and Hyuk Lim, "Channel-aware repetitive data collection in wireless sensor networks," Wiley International Journal of Communication Systems, special issue on "Energy efficient nets", vol. 30, no. 7, pp. e2999, May 2017.
  • Ryangsoo Kim, Hyuk Lim, and Bhaskar Krishnamachari, "Prefetching-based data dissemination in vehicular cloud systems," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 292-306, 2016.
  • Daewon Jung, Ryangsoo Kim, and Hyuk Lim, "Power saving mechanism for balancing energy and delay performance in congested WLANs," Elsevier Computer Communications, special issue on "Green networking", vol. 50, pp. 3 - 9, September 2014.
  • Ryangsoo Kim, Hyuk Lim, Daewon Jung, Kapjin Kim, "Beacon selection for localization in IEEE 802.11 wireless infrastructure," International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 135-143, December 2013.
  • Daewon Jung, Ryangsoo Kim, and Hyuk Lim, "Asynchronous medium access protocol for multi-user MIMO based WLANs," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 60, no. 12, pp.3745 - 3754, December 2012.

Conference Papers

  • Inshick Kim, Ryangsoo Kim, Hyuk Lim, and Kyung-Joon Park, "Greedy data dissemination algorithm for infrastructure-to-vehicle services," IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VCN 2015) - Poster session, Kyoto, Japan, December 16-18, 2015.
  • Sunyong Kim, Yohan Kim, Sun Young Park, Ryangsoo Kim, Hyuk Lim, "Drone can find lost smartphones," ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2015) - Poster Session, Seoul, Korea, November 1-4, 2015.
  • Ryangsoo Kim, Hyuk Lim, Sun-Nyoung Hwang, and Brownson Obaridoa Obele, "Robust indoor localization based on hybrid Bayesian graphical models," IEEE GLOBECOM 2014, Austin, TX, USA, December 8-12, 2014. (acceptance rate = 867/2171 = 39.9%)
  • Sun-Nyoung Hwang, Ryangsoo Kim, and Hyuk Lim, "Bayesian inference-based tracking for wireless capsule endoscope," International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC 2014), Busan, Korea, October 22-24, 2014. (invited)
  • Ryangsoo Kim, Taejin Ha, Hyuk Lim, and Daewon Jung, "TDoA localization for wireless networks with imperfect clock synchronization," International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2014) - Poster session, Phuket, Thailand, February 10-12, 2014.
  • Sun-Nyoung Hwang, Ryangsoo Kim, Hyuk Lim, "A hybrid Bayesian scheme for in-body localization," International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2012), San Diego, USA, August 28 - September 1, 2012. (short paper)
  • Ryangsoo Kim, Wooyeol Choi, Hyuk Lim, and Jae-Hyung Jang, "Zero-configuration path loss model based indoor localization," ICST Conference on Moilbe and Ubiquitous Systems (MobiQuitous 2011), Copenhagen, Denmark, December 6-8, 2011. (short paper)

Domestic Conference Papers

  • 김동환, 김량수, 임혁, "Wi-Fi radio frequency fingerprinting를 위한 software-defined-radio 기반 테스트베드," 한국정보과학회 동계학술발표회, 강원도 휘닉스파크, 2015.12.17-19.
  • 김량수, 김동환, 강주성, 이흥노, 임혁, "전파신호 특성을 활용한 무선 장치 분류," 한국군사과학기술학회 종합학술대회, pp. 1829-1830, 제주 국제컨벤션센터, 2015.6.4-5.
  • 김량수, 김선용, 임혁, "위치추정에서 Lateration의 정확도 향상을 위한 중간값 필터의 사용," 통신정보 합동학술대회 (JCCI), 충남 부여 롯데 리조트, 2015.4.15-17.
  • 김량수, 김인식, 조치우, 임혁, "실내·외 측위를 위한 path-loss model 기반 거리측정," 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회, 라마다프라자 제주호텔, 2012.6.20-22.


  • Hyuk Lim, In Shick Kim, Ryangsoo Kim, "Vehicle, vehicle cloud system, and data dissemination system", US Application No. 14/558164, Dec 2, 2014. / US Patent No. 9,408,029, Aug 2, 2016.
  • 김갑진, 임혁, 김량수, "무선랜 환경에서의 위치추정 장치 및 그 방법", 대한민국, 출원번호 10-2012-0029663, 2012.3.23 / 등록번호 10-1302492, 2013.8.27
  • 김갑진, 임혁, 오벨레 브라운슨 오., 김량수, 황선녕, "위치 추정 시스템 및 방법", 대한민국, 출원번호 10-2012-0129266, 2012.11.15. / 등록번호 10-1333111, 2013.11.20
  • 김갑진, 임혁, 김량수, "UWB 비동기 레퍼런스 노드를 이용한 TDoA 무선 측위 시스템", 대한민국, 출원번호 10-2012-0136936, 2012.11.29. / 등록번호 10-1367674, 2014.02.20
  • 임혁, 김량수, 김인식, "차량, 차량 클라우드 시스템, 차량을 위한 데이터 보급 시스템 및 그 보급방법", 대한민국, 출원번호 10-2013-0149393, 2013.12.03. / 등록번호 10-1520635, 2015.05.11
  • 임혁, 최진호, 김량수, "무선 센서 네트워크에서의 에너지 절감형 반복적 데이터 수집 방법" 대한민국, 출원번호 10-2015-0080803, 2015.06.08


  • Native Language: Korean
  • Other Language: English -speak, read, and write with good competence
  • Programming Languages: C/C++, Python
  • Simulation Tool: MATLAB, Network Simulator-2 (ns2)


  • Qualcomm-GIST Innovation Award, 2016
  • Graduate student fellowship, GIST, 2010-2015
  • Brain Korea 21 scholarship, Korea Research Foundation, 2010-2012
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