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Ph.D. Candidate
Tel: +82-62-715-3114 Fax: +82-62-715-2204 Email: jshwang AT
- 2009 Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (M.S.-Information and Communications)
- 2007 Chung-Ang University (B.S.-Computer Science and Engineering)
Research Interests
- Traffic allocation in wireless networks
- Multi-Channel MAC protocol design for wireless networks
- Congestion control in multihop wireless networks
Journal Papers
- Jaeseon Hwang, Hyuk Lim, Seunghun Oh, and Byung Tak Lee, "Association scheme with traffic control for IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs," IEICE Transactions on Communications, 2015.
- Jaeseon Hwang and Hyuk Lim, "Interplay between power control and channel allocation for multi-channel wireless networks," IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E98-B, no. 5, May 2015.
- Jaeseon Hwang, Taewoon Kim, Jungmin So, and Hyuk Lim, "A receiver-centric multi-channel MAC protocol for wireless networks," Elsevier Computer Communications, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 431-444, February 2013.
- Taewoon Kim, Jaeseon Hwang, and Hyuk Lim, "Distributed semi-synchronous channel coordination for multi-channel wireless networks," Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 368-382, January 2013.
- Daewon Jung, Jaeseon Hwang, Hyuk Lim, Kyung-Joon Park, and Jennifer C. Hou, "Adaptive contention control for improving end-to-end throughput performance of multihop wireless networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 696-705, February 2010.
Conference Papers
- Chiwook Jeong, Taejin Ha, Jaeseon Hwang, Hyuk Lim, and JongWon Kim, "MARS: Measurement-based allocation of VM resources for cloud data centers," ACM CoNEXT Student Workshop 2013, Santa Barbara, California, December 9-12, 2013.
- Atuletye Burton Mwamila, Jaeseon Hwang, Taejin Ha, and Hyuk Lim, "Power control for wireless networks with a limited number of channels," International Workshop on Multiple Access Communications (MACOM 2012), Dublin, Ireland, November 19-20, 2012. (short paper, Springer LNCS 7642, pp. 85-88, 2012)
- Jaeseon Hwang, Yonggang Kim, Taejin Ha, and Hyuk Lim, "Experiments on Underwater Acoustic-Radio Multi-Interface Gateway System," Spring Conference of Korea Information and Communications Society (KICS 2012), pp. 90-91, Gwangju, Korea, May 18, 2012.
- Daewon Jung, Jaeseon Hwang, and Hyuk Lim, "Transmission opportunity control for wireless networks with multi-packet reception capability," International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC 2010), Cebu, Philippines, June 30 - July 2, 2010.
- Jaeseon Hwang and Hyuk Lim, "Queue-based contention control for congested multihop wireless networks," IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2008), pp. 540-541, Montreal, Canada, October 14-17, 2008. (short paper)
- Sujin Ko, JunSeok Park, Jaeseon Hwang, Jun Park, Hyuk Lim, and JongWon Kim, "Multi-Tracker: Interactive smart object for advanced collaborative environment," International Workshop on Design and Integration Principles for Smart Objects (DIPSO 2008) (in conjunction with UBICOMP 2008), pp. 121-127, Seoul, Korea, September 21, 2008.
- Hyuk Lim, Daewon Jung, Jaeseon Hwang, Kyung-Joon Park, and Jennifer C. Hou, "Contention control for high end-to-end throughput performance of wireless mesh networks," Third Annual International Wireless Internet Conference (WICON 2007), Austin, TX, October 22-24, 2007 (invited).
Project Experience
- 한-러 극동협력 MT-IT 융합기술 국제 공동 개발 및 산업화 지원센터 구축, 한국과학재단, 2009.10-2015.6.30.
- 국방IT 전술통신 기술 연구, 정보통신산업진흥원, 아주대학교 국방전술네트워크 연구센터(AJOU-TNRC), 2011.1-2014.12.
- 무선랜 대역 이기종 간섭 검출 및 회피 시스템 제작, 한국전자통신연구원, 2013.9-2014.1.
- 가상화된 프로그래머블 무선 네트워크 테스트베드와 반복적 성능평가 지원 프레임워크, 한국연구재단, 2009.9-2012.8.
- PON-WMN 기반 무선자원 최적화 및 저전력화 기법 개발, 한국전자통신연구원, 2010.6-2010.11.
- 무선 멀티미디어 네트워크를 위한 다중 채널 매체 접근 제어 프로토콜에 관한 연구, 광주과학기술원, 2009.1-2009.12.
- 유비쿼터스 커뮤니티 환경에서의 다자간 인터랙티브 스마트 협업환경 기술개발, 유비쿼터스컴퓨팅사업단, 2007.1-2008.12.