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Daewon Jung


  • 2012 Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (Ph.D.-Information and Communications)
  • 2008 Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (M.S.-Information and Communications)
  • 2006 Kwangwoon University (B.S.-Electronics and Communcations Engineering)

Research Interests

  • Analysis and modeling of wireless network systems
  • Distributed protocol/algorithms in wireless networks including contention and congestion control


Journal papers

  • Daewon Jung, Ryangsoo Kim, and Hyuk Lim, "Power-saving strategy for balancing energy and delay performance in WLANs," Elsevier Computer Communications, special issue on "Green networking", vol. 50, pp. 3-9, September 2014.
  • Ryangsoo Kim, Hyuk Lim, Daewon Jung, Kapjin Kim, "Beacon selection for localization in IEEE 802.11 wireless infrastructure," International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 135-143, December 2013.
  • Daewon Jung, Ryangsoo Kim, and Hyuk Lim, "Asynchronous medium access protocol for multi-user MIMO based uplink WLANs," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 60, no. 12, pp. 3745-3754, December 2012.
  • Daewon Jung and Hyuk Lim, "Opportunistic MAC protocol for simultaneous transmission coordination in Multi-user MIMO based WLANs," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 15, no. 8, pp. 902-904, August 2011.
  • Mir H. Mahmood, Cheng C. Chang, Daewon Jung, Zhi-Hong Mao, Hyuk Lim, Heung-No Lee, "Throughput behavior of link adaptive 802.11 DCF with MUD capable access node," AEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 64, no. 11, pp. 1031-1041, November 2010.
  • Daewon Jung, Jaeseon Hwang, Hyuk Lim, Kyung-Joon Park, and Jennifer C. Hou, "Adaptive contention control for improving end-to-end throughput performance of multihop wireless networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 696-705, February 2010.

Conference papers

  • Daewon Jung, Yonggang Kim, and Hyuk Lim, "'Energy-efficient MAC protocol for IEEE 802.11-based cognitive radio networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2015, San Diego, CA, USA, December 6-10, 2015.
  • Ryangsoo Kim, Taejin Ha, Hyuk Lim, and Daewon Jung, "TDoA localization for wireless networks with imperfect clock synchronization," International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2014) - Poster session, Phuket, Thailand, February 10-12, 2014.
  • Boram Choi, Daewon Jung, and Hyuk Lim, "Interframe spacing adaptation method for IEEE 802.11e WLANs coexisting with IEEE 802.16 networks," IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2011), Bonn, Germany, October 4-7, 2011.
  • Daewon Jung, Jaeseon Hwang, and Hyuk Lim, "Transmission opportunity control for wireless networks with multi-packet reception capability," International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC 2010), Cebu, Philippines, June 30 - July 2, 2010.
  • Wooyeol Choi, Daewon Jung, Heung-No Lee, and Hyuk Lim, "Power control for multiple access communication systems with multi-packet reception capability," IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2009), Zurich, Switzerland. October 20-23, 2009.
  • Daewon Jung and Hyuk Lim, "Probabilistic packet dropping for load control in multihop wireless networks," IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2008), pp. 516-517, Montreal, Canada, October 14-17, 2008.
  • Hyuk Lim, Daewon Jung, Jaeseon Hwang, Kyung-Joon Park, and Jennifer C. Hou, "Contention control for high end-to-end throughput performance of wireless mesh networks," Third Annual International Wireless Internet Conference (WICON 2007), Austin, TX, October 22-24, 2007 (invited).
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